Tuesday 4 November 2014

Task 5 - Understanding Montage Theory

The term Montage a technique in film editing in which a series of short shots are edited into a sequence to condense space, time and information.
3 key meaning:

  • French Cinema - Simply meaning to edit.
  • Soviet Cinema - Placing two deliberately image next to each other. E.g. A shots of a butcher slaughtering cattle used to suggest the Russian troops were mistreating the striking workers.
  • Hollywood Cinema - Used to condense a long narrative sequence into short compact sequence e.g. weeks of training condense into two minutes.
2 key films makers:

Les Kuleshov

He was a young Soviet film maker who did an experiment in around 1920. He took an old film clip of a head shot of a noted Russian actor and inter-cut the shot with different images.

Serge Eisenstein

Type of Montage they are:

Rocky -

Modern Times -

Strike -

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